Tap into trusted Metallurgical Expertise

At Ulbrich we deliver our customers value that's More Than Metal™. With over 15 Metallurgists on staff, Ulbrich can support your product development from planning, to execution, to support.

Product Planning

Product Planning

In preparation for the launch of a new product, there is always plenty of planning and decisions that need to be made. Ulbrich offers our experienced Metallurgy staff in order to make this process easier for customers. This can include something as simple as making sure the correct spec is built into the part and ensuring Ulbrich has the ability to test anything that is called out within the spec. Often, planning will also include research and development, which gets more into alloy selection and what tolerances will be required to run smoothly on your machines. Choosing an alloy is usually a very tough decision to make for many companies and having a knowledgeable team of metallurgists and engineers ready to offer help can make life a lot easier for all parties involved.

Production Execution

Production Execution

Once planning is complete and production begins, our team will still be in constant contact and working on perfecting your metal. First, our Metallurgy team will determine, based on the planning stage, what the best process route will be for this product. Depending on different properties and finishes we are trying to achieve, this can vary significantly. There is ongoing testing at every stage of the process to ensure we are meeting specifications and for total transparency, we are always happy to cut off small samples and send them direct to our customers so they can do their own testing and evaluation.

Metallurgy Support

Metallurgy Support

Once material has been produced and shipped, it is time for follow up and support. If something didn't work the way expected, we will determine the root cause. If material worked great, Ulbrich can lock in that process routing so all future material is produced the same way. We can look at the material and process after the fact and provide:

  • Metallurgical Failure Analysis
  • Process adjustment
  • Support for market changes
  • Support for business changes

Working with our customer on an ongoing product allows us to increase yields and plan for future item replacements. Transparent and open communication will help both parties and allow for a true partnership.

Ulbrich Development Partnership

Want to start your project today? Learn more about how the process works with our Development Partnership Initiative.
Ulbrich Development Partnership


Ulbrich has extensive in-house testing capabilities and the ability to examine your product at every step of the process to make sure we are meeting the required criteria.
See Testing Capabilities