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It was 1969 – when the Civil Rights Movement reached its apex, when the Vietnam War raged on, when Rolling Stone magazine published its first issue, when Star Trek first aired on television, and when NASA began to launch manned rockets towards the Moon. The 1960’s brought about great technological c... Continue Reading
On July 1, Chairman and CEO Chris Ulbrich will embark on the Ulbrich Appalachian Trek to End Homelessness, a 256-mile hike of the Appalachian Trail to raise funds for the Wallingford Emergency Shelter. The journey, expected to last 25 days, will begin in Connecticut and conclude in Vermont, with h... Continue Reading
On Thursday, May 16, 2019, the New Haven Manufacturers Association and nearly 50 NHMA members visited Ulbrich Specialty Strip Mill in Wallingford, Connecticut. Business dignitaries and local entrepreneurs were given tours of the facilities by Ulbrich metallurgists and management staff. Each tour fol... Continue Reading
Stainless Steel for Windshield Wiper ManufacturersVisualize your drive to work during Spring. Puffy clouds hover above. The sun is out of sight. Inevitably, rain douses the windshield of your vehicle. Whether your on-board computer knows it or not, your windshield wipers must be switched “on” to kee... Continue Reading